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Portfolio Management Program, Department of Finance


1. I am immatriculated at another university. Can I still apply?

Yes, students from other Swiss universities can participate in the PMP. You will need to register at the UZH via the CH mobility program, book the module via the UZH module booking tool, and take care of transferring the ECTS to your home university yourself.

2. I am immatriculated at UZH but NOT as a Banking & Finance student. Can I still apply?


3. Do I get ECTS credits for PMP?

Yes, for each course you get credit in case of successful completion. In total a student gets 21 ECTS for all PMP courses.

4. I am a student of MQF at UZH/ETH. Will I still get ECTS credits?

Yes – but not as many as B&F students since the MQF only allows ECTS from two seminars. This means that in total a MQF student can get 15 ECTS.

5. What is a PMP certificate?

After successful completion of the PMP you will get a certificate signed by the PMP professors and industry partners. This certificate has no meaning at UZH. But it is a very valuable signal to distinguish yourself from other UZH students. Moreover, it is the entry ticket into the PMP alumni association.

6. Is PMP hard?

We give you a rigorous training in academic and practical aspects of portfolio management. There are courses which give away credits at lower costs.

7. What are requirements? Do I have to have professional internships on my CV already?

PMP is a team effort. We have experienced that some heterogeneity within teams is useful. Thus good grades, some practical experience, and a team effort spirit are important. We consider the overall picture when evaluating applications.

8. Is PMP an internship?

No – PMP is an academic program, but it gives you hands-on experience.

9. What is the interview like? It is more about technical or soft skills?


10. Who decides on the composition of the three PMP teams?

In your application you should indicate which PMP team you would like to join: Quant, Macro or Behavioral. We will try to accommodate your preferences as far as possible, while ensuring that the teams are balanced in terms of the number of students and their skills.

11. Can I do only 1 year of PMP?

No, for you to get the full experience and get the PMP certificate you need to do the full two-year program. However, sometimes PMP students do an exchange semester abroad. If their PMP team agrees they can still be part of the team – but get no credits from UZH.

12. Are all listed courses mandatory?

All courses are mandatory to obtain the PMP certificate, namely the lectures Asset Management: Advanced Investments and Matlab for Portfolio Management, and the four Portfolio Management seminars.

13. What happens if I fail a course from the first year of PMP?

Generally, if a PMP participant fails to pass one of the courses he/she is out of the program. However, the supervisors may allow the person to remain in the program if they re-take the Asset Management and/or Matlab exams. If, however, a person fails to pass one of these exams for the second time, they need to leave the program.

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